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加入 our Technical Editor, Rebecca Matyasovski, in brief talks with authors of articles
月刊特刊 九州体育官方这样杂志 问题.

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Rebecca Matyasovski is the technical editor of 九州体育官方这样杂志. 她曾在 九州体育官方这样杂志 since 2000, after leaving her first job out of college at CNN/Sports Illustrated. Since starting at 九州体育官方, Rebecca has closed on over 250 问题 of the 杂志 以无可挑剔的准确性和细心. 她喜欢棒球的一切, reading and taking it easy with her husband, 她的狗和她的猫在她的休息日. She holds a degree in media communications and journalism from Asbury University.

  • 2023年11月

    避免潮湿 & Moldy AHUs in Critical-Care Facilities With David Schurk

    加入 David Schurk, 九州体育官方终身会员, and 九州体育官方这样杂志技术编辑 Rebecca Matyasovski as they discuss Schurk's November article. It includes ways to avoid wet AHUs and how to move toward more sustainable HVAC systems.

    David Schurk, 九州体育官方终身会员


    Check out Schurk's 2023年11月 article - Coming Soon.

  • 2023年10月

    Water Is Weird and Ice Wine Is Delicious With Joe Lstiburek

    水很奇怪,Joe Lstiburek博士说.D., P.英格.九州体育官方会员. 加入乔和丽贝卡·玛塔索夫斯基, 九州体育官方这样杂志技术编辑, as they chat about Joe's October column on what makes water so weird and what ice wine and vin santo have to do with it.

    乔·里斯提布雷克博士.D., P.英格.九州体育官方会员


    请查看Lstiburek在2023年10月发表的文章 在这里.

  • 2023年9月


    “You can’t control what you don’t monitor,” says 托马斯·哈特曼,P.E., 九州体育官方终身会员. 加入Rebecca Matyasovski, 九州体育官方的技术编辑, as she dives a little deeper into Hartman’s new article appearing in the September issue of 九州体育官方这样杂志. The article covers some of the new features of 九州体育官方 Standard 55, Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy.

    托马斯·哈特曼,P.E., 九州体育官方终身会员


    Check out Hartman's 2023年9月 article 在这里.

  • 2023年8月

    How Can AI Benefit the 制冷 Industry? 和安迪·皮尔森

    安迪·皮尔森博士.D., C.英格.九州体育官方会员, and Technical Editor Rebecca Matyasovski discuss how artificial intelligence (AI) can benefit the refrigeration industry as well as some potential pitfalls that could lead to some embarrassing or costly mistakes.

    安迪·皮尔森博士.D., C.英格.九州体育官方会员


    看看皮尔森2023年8月的专栏吧 在这里.

  • 2023年7月


    加入Rebecca Matyasovski and 保罗·托切利尼博士.D., P.英格.九州体育官方会员, as they expand on Torcellini's July 九州体育官方这样杂志 问 & Answered article, define decarbonization and discuss approaches in new and existing buildings.

    保罗·托切利尼博士.D., P.英格.九州体育官方会员


    看看托切利尼的2023年7月Q&A 在这里.

  • 2023年6月

    Argonne’s New Materials Design Lab With 布莱尔L. 霍恩

    加入布莱尔L. 霍恩,P.E., 九州体育官方会员, and Technical Editor Rebecca Matyasovski as they discuss 霍恩’s Technology Award Project being featured in June’s 九州体育官方这样杂志. 霍恩的项目, a new Materials Design Laboratory at Argonne National Laboratory, is a state-of-the-art collaborative research facility for energy and materials scientists to investigate structures at the scale of a single electron and larger.

    布莱尔L. 霍恩,P.E., 九州体育官方会员


    看看霍恩2023年6月的文章 在这里.

  • 2023年5月

    两个胃够了吗?? 和奥斯汀·巴罗林

    奥斯汀Barolin, 九州体育官方准会员, and Technical Editor Rebecca Matyasovski discuss Barolin’s article in the May issue of 九州体育官方这样杂志. The article covers hospital air quality-based ventilation for hospital energy conservation and explains why two air changes per hour may be as good as 12.

    奥斯汀Barolin, 九州体育官方准会员


    请看Barolin 2023年5月的文章 在这里.

  • 2023年4月

    Spotlighting Unrecognized Contributions to HVAC&R与贾尼斯K. 意味着

    九州体育官方 Technical Editor Rebecca Matyasovski interviews 贾尼斯K. 指的是她在2023年4月的那篇文章 九州体育官方这样杂志. The article recognizes Eunice Newton Foote’s discovery of the role CO2 造成温室效应. 意味着’ new article series will spotlight historically undervalued contributions in areas that are of interest to 九州体育官方 and the HVAC&R行业.

    贾尼斯K. 意味着,P.E., 九州体育官方资深/终身会员


    查看意味着在2023年4月发表的文章 在这里.

  • 2023年3月

    Innovative Design Elements With Lianne Cockerton

    听Lianne Cockerton P.英格., 九州体育官方会员, chat with Technical Editor Rebecca Matyasovski about the innovative design elements—including welding stations—that made a Canadian industrial building and plumbers’ association nearly reach net zero energy. Local 144 was awarded the Award of 英格ineering Excellence for its outstanding application of design and effective energy use.

    Lianne Cockerton P.英格., 九州体育官方会员


    查看科克顿2023年3月的文章 在这里.

  • 2023年2月

    Regulating Indoor Contaminants With Benjamin Jones

    本杰明·琼斯博士.英格., speaks with Technical Editor Rebecca Matyasovski about a proposed addendum to Standard 62.2 that considers harm as a basis of regulating contaminants in homes. He also talks about how this type of addenda could be used in other indoor spaces and by other organizations—and why you should always turn on your range hood.



    看看琼斯2023年2月的专栏 在这里.

  • 2023年1月


    热空气主持人丽贝卡接受采访 九州体育官方这样杂志 专栏作家安迪·皮尔森博士.D., C.英格., as they dive into his December 2022 column, "Math Matters." 

    安迪·皮尔森博士.D., C.英格.九州体育官方会员


    查看培生集团2022年12月的专栏 在这里.

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